Fundación Camino de la Lengua Castellana - c/ Portales, nº 2, 3ª planta - 26001 LOGROÑO (La Rioja) España - Tel. 0034 941 203698 - Fax. 0034 941 220940 E-mail:
Founded by Cardinal Cisneros

The old University of Alcala, also known as the Universidad Complutense, was one of the most important centres of European intellectual life in modern times and the foundations for the expansion of Spanish culture. In 1499, Alejandro VI signed the bull permitting Cardinal Cisneros to found the University. This centre lasted for a considerable period of time (1499 – 1836), reaching its zenith in the 16th century. It was revived in 1977, acquiring a key position within the organisation of higher education in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.
On 2nd December 1998, the UNESCO declared the University of Alcala to be a World Heritage Site, thereby recognising its historic development, the collective effort to recover this heritage and the role the University played in disseminating the Spanish language and culture. This was the first time that this distinction had been awarded to a University. Prior to this, the University had also received the Europa Nostra award and the Council of Europe had declared it to be an example to be followed by other member states. Today it continues to be the vibrant nerve centre of Alcala.

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